Tag Archives: Mayflower Health Center

Sadi Flanagan's letter to Mayflower Community

Sadi’s Thank-You

An unsolicited letter from a Grinnell High School junior has brightened the day for many healthcare workers in The Mayflower Community. Sadi Flanagan was moved to write about what she has been observing about life in Mayflower’s Health Center by witnessing her mother Kristi, an LPN (licensed practical nurse) and Mayflower employee. In Sadi’s letter,

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Diana Long holding the US flag craft she created.

Getting Ready for the 4th at Mayflower

The fun just doesn’t stop in The Mayflower Community Health Center. In the pictures included with this post, residents made 4th of July décor for their suites. The flag project is a kit that includes a sticky foam sheet and foam stickers for the stars and USA letters and sparkling pom poms along with a

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Residents Suzanne Schwengels and Arnie Adelberg engaging in the first plantings in the new Watertower Square garden

Life Goes on In The Mayflower Community

285 people living in senior living and healthcare on the Mayflower campus just south of downtown Grinnell during the pandemic…There is a lot happening. Sure, all group activities and dining has been suspended. People are encouraged to limit physical interaction with others. Face masks are being worn when out and about. Nevertheless, there is a

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Kinnick Van Wyk

Thoughtful Pen Pals Supporting Mayflower

Pictured above: Kinnick Van Wyk writing a letter to his pen pal. Grinnellian Kristin Van Wyk contacted Kellie McGriff, Associate Director/Administrator of The Mayflower Community after seeing a Mayflower story about resident pen pal stories. Together, Kristin and Kellie made plans for Kristin’s three children to write to Mayflower residents in the Health Center and

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Health Center resident, Mary Ellen Lynch, talking with Chief of Police, Dennis Reilly.

Mary Ellen Lynch Honored by Grinnell Public Safety

On Wednesday, May 13th, Mary Ellen Lynch, a resident of The Mayflower Community Health Center, was honored with a drive-in visit by members of the Grinnell Police and Fire departments. Led by Dennis Reilly, Chief of Police, they arrived in front of the Health Center to read by loud speaker, a proclamation directed to Mary

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Mayflower’s Stephanie Haworth, RN, PTA, restorative supervisor, leads hallway exercises.

Yep! Still Here and Thriving at Mayflower

Dealing with social distancing and a no-visitors policy in The Mayflower Community Health Center, might make it seem like a pretty desolate place. Au contraire! There is an abundance of activity…not to mention the natural bonding that develops between staff and residents in times of challenge. There is time in the Health Center Courtyard, which

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Matter of Balance course to prevent fall risks

A Matter of Balance to Be Offered at Mayflower

Many older adults restrict their activities because of their concerns about falling. The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be sponsoring another session of A MATTER OF BALANCE, an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. Participants enjoy learning practical fall prevention techniques and simple exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. During

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Davis Elementary students come to Mayflower for Kindness Week

Davis Students Live Kindness at Mayflower

To emphasize “Kindness Week” at Grinnell’s Davis Elementary School, 50 4th graders came to The Mayflower Community Health Center to spend time with residents. Led by teachers, Farrah Deppe, Aimee Eitel, and Jon Kotz, the students bussed the short three blocks to Mayflower’s Carman Center where they divided up around table games with residents. This

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BB entrance

Accessing Areas of Mayflower’s Health Center

In an effort to avoid the spread of airborne illness and to provide a more relaxed atmosphere for Mayflower Health Center residents, the first floor of the Health Center, 600 Park Street, will now have limited access for visitors. The main doors to the Health Center are now locked from the outside and from the

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Staff members from the health center

Mayflower’s Labor Honors Labor Day

Mayflower staff members make a difference in residents’ lives. Why? Because our motto is, “Do the right thing.” We know that it makes a difference. Recently, we received a letter from a family member of a resident who spent last days in our Health Center. It said, in part, “Although many were puzzled by [loved

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