A Matter of Balance to Be Offered at Mayflower

Matter of Balance logoMany older adults restrict their activities because of their concerns about falling. The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be sponsoring another session of A MATTER OF BALANCE, an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels.

Participants enjoy learning practical fall prevention techniques and simple exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and balance.

During the 8-week structured group intervention course, attendees learn to view falls and fear of falling as controllable, as they set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors, and exercise to increase strength and balance.

Mayflower Activities Coordinator, Anne Sunday, and UnityPoint Health—Grinnell Fitness Specialist, Kaylee Thompson, have been certified to lead this program. It will be offered on Wednesdays from 2:30–4:30 pm, in the Montgomery Lounge beginning March 11th and lasting through April 29th.

A Matter of Balance was designed by Boston University and is sponsored nationally by the Area Agencies on Aging. It is evidence based and used throughout the country.

Each lesson builds on the one before it. It is important to be able to attend at least five of the sessions. The course is open to the public. The cost is $20 (scholarships available), and class size is usually limited to 8-12.

For more information or questions, contact Anne or Kayley:
Email: Cell Phone: 319-290-9171.
Email: Cell Phone: 641-510-0004
Registration Deadline is Monday, March 2nd.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director