Mayflower’s Story Circle Is Back!

On Thursday evening, January 14th, The Mayflower Community revived its popular Story Circle, this time via Zoom. With at least 25 screens tuned in, some with multiple participants, the group met to tell personal short stories. The subject matter was based on Joan Chittister’s book, “The Gift of Years—Aging Gracefully.” Participants were asked to tell stories from their life of joy, accomplishment, wisdom, memories, and appreciation.

Mayflower’s Executive Director, Steve Langerud, has encouraged residents “…to redefine our social activities as we engage as a community.” In response, residents, Harriet Adelberg and Warren Reinecke organized the first virtual Story Circle, hosted by Harriet, who also contributed her own entertaining safari story.

The following day, at lunch in Mayflower’s Buckley Dining Room, a number of attendees talked about what fun they had and encouraged Harriet to continue this “new” tradition on a monthly basis. That is being discussed.

As Warren observed, “I think we brightened a winter evening for a host of folks.”

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director