Mayflower Clears the Snow

It happened again! Another big snowstorm hit Grinnell, one of the biggest in the last 10 years. We had eight-plus inches of snow. According to one of our Facilities staff members, “It is hard to tell how much snow we got. In some places, it’s about 8 inches. In other places, it is at least 18 inches. The wind is the culprit.”

It started snowing early afternoon Monday and snowed until mid-day Tuesday. Mayflower staff did an initial clearing on Monday afternoon. By evening time, it was not possible to see their progress. Sure enough, at 4:30am the sound of snow blades, blowers, sweepers, and shovels started up. By 7:30am, there were paths everywhere on the 35-acre campus, around the nine buildings and 48 patio homes. The clearing continues, especially as the snow continues to fall and the wind continues to blow.

Again, today, the answer to the question, “Why live at Mayflower?” was demonstrated. Easy: “Snow and grass…and lots of other support!”

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director