IPOST. What?

Back of IPOST formGiven the current focus on health, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) feels that this a good time to remind you of the value of having a current version of your IPOST available in your home.

IPOST stands for Iowa Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment. It contains specific instructions for emergency responders to use to treat you when you are unable to communicate. It is a double-sided, salmon-colored document signed by you and your primary care physician that spells out your wishes for key life-sustaining treatments including resuscitation, general scope of treatment, artificial nutrition, and more. A copy of the form is pictured.

The IPOST is especially valuable for an individual who is older; frail; or who has a chronic, critical medical condition or terminal illness. In an emergency or during the last stages of illness, health decisions can be complicated and difficult for the patient, their families, and the treating health providers. IPOST helps healthcare providers guide and support the patient and their families during this sensitive time. A completed IPOST creates a clear declaration of the patient’s healthcare treatment choices and assures that the patient’s wishes are fulfilled at the prescribed time.

We encourage you to consider completing or updating your IPOST with your physician. You should keep the completed form on or near your refrigerator, the customary place where first responders will look for it. The original will travel with you and return home with you. Healthcare providers will make a copy for their use.

Copies are available in the lobby of Mayflower’s Pearson building, 616 Broad Street.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director