A Touch of Thoughtfulness at Mayflower

Hand lotion gifts for National Nurses Week
Hand lotion gifts for National Nurses Week
Talk about timing! Yesterday, May 6th, marked the start of National Nurses Week, which then turns into National Skilled Nursing Care Week. If ever there were a time to stop and celebrate those thoughtful nurses and aides who put themselves at risk every day to provide loving care to those in need, it is now.

To celebrate, Hannah Snodgrass, Mayflower Certified Medication Aide (CMA) created the banner pictured here to honor all Mayflower nurses. (You will note their names on the miniature T-shirts.)

National Nurses Week 2020 has been proclaimed by President Donald Trump with these words, “These remarkable caregivers exhibit professional expertise, selfless dedication, unrelenting advocacy, and unsurpassed mercy, strength, and compassion.” True.

In addition, many certified nurse aides, certified medication aides, rehabilitation aides, and support staff—Food Service staff, housekeepers, laundry staff, drivers, technical assistants, receptionists, facility staff, and others—support all of Mayflower nurses in their critical and life-enhancing work.

In recognition of all the care being provided by the entire Mayflower staff, a number of employees, on their own, decided to pool their money and buy a gift for each. They gave AVON Care Silicone Glove Hand Cream to everyone. Given the regular hand washing and sanitizing that our nursing staff does on a regular basis and the increased cleansing all Mayflower staff are doing, these kind employees sought a way to soothe dry, cracked hands.

The donors were anonymous, so their names are not being listed. By the way, thank you, Amber, Angie, Casie, Jason, Michelle, Patti, Scott, Teresa, and Theresa! You beat as part of Mayflower’s heart.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director