Group Walking Again in The Mayflower Community

Even though the weather has been a little uncooperative, Mayflower residents led by Katie Pickul, Mayflower’s Community Life and Wellness Coordinator, have reinstated “Walking Groups.” There are two levels of walkers—fast and casual. Each group meets two days a week to walk together around the Mayflower campus when the weather is conducive. For the faster group, that can include downtown Grinnell and Central Park, fortunately, right next door to Mayflower.

In inclement weather (like constant rain!), the walkers have many indoor routes in the Mayflower campus tunnels and walkways.

The groups have been on their own this last week, as Katie celebrated her May 22nd wedding and honeymoon. Since “Pickul” is a new last name (maiden: McGriff), we have been working on its pronunciation. It is “pee’ cull.”

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director