The State of Long-Term Care Discussed at Mayflower

On Monday, February 13th, The Mayflower Community hosted two speakers who brought to the Grinnell residents, information about the current state and future prospects for long-term care.

Brent Willett, President and CEO, and Merea Bentrott, PhD, Senior VP, Government Relations and CSO, of the Iowa Health Care Association spoke to a large gathering of Mayflower residents in the Carman Center.

The subject was, “State of the Long-Term Care Industry in 2023.” Because Mayflower residents currently have access to Mayflower’s Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living as their needs change, the status of that kind of care in the future is important. (Mayflower is currently not accepting admissions into healthcare for parties who don’t already live independently at Mayflower.)

Brent and Merea shared that long-term care is at a precipice in Iowa due to lingering pandemic effects, staffing challenges, increasing costs, and proportionate underfunding by state and federal programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid. A number of nursing facilities have closed in Iowa over the last several years, with that trend continuing into 2023.

The Iowa Health Care Association, the not-for-profit organization represented by Brent and Merea and of which Mayflower is a member, works closely with state and federal legislators to bring this issue to them and to offer solutions.

This presentation is being followed up by a number of small-group “Coffee Talks” through the end of February. Residents will be hosted by Mayflower’s Steve Langerud, Executive Director; Kellie McGriff, Associate Director/Administrator; and members of the Board of Trustees for discussions about long-term care at Mayflower.

Bob Mann, Mayflower Sales & Marketing Director (641-236-6151)