The “New Normal” at Mayflower

Things have certainly changed in The Mayflower Community over the last few weeks. As the result of COVID-19 precautions, we have instituted social distancing and have complied with directives from the Iowa Governor.

The staff has spent many hours in enhanced safety and disinfecting work, in education and information-gathering, and in discussing what we can do that we are not already doing.

We have completely closed our Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living to visitors and have segmented dining to separate residents.

However, the changes did not stop there. As you can see from the attached photos, we have suspended all group activities (more than four participants); closed our Obermiller Exercise Center, our Sports Room, our Parlor, and our independent living Buckley Dining Room; and moved to carry-out and delivery for our full Open Dining menu.

Fortunately, because of all of these initiatives, life is likely more safe at Mayflower than it would be in public places.

We continue to gather information and make changes as necessary. How long will that be? Nobody knows, but one of our Food Services staff members who is a mother of a high school senior, is encouraging her son to start dating a member of the Class of 2021 so that he can go to Prom a year from now!

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director