Steve Langerud Meets Kiwanis

On Tuesday, June 25th, The Mayflower Community Executive Director, Steve Langerud, presented the weekly program for the Grinnell Kiwanis Club. The service organization meets weekly on Tuesdays in the Mayflower J&B Bistro at 12:00noon for lunch and a community interest program.

Steve was introduced by long-time Kiwanian, Art Heimann, who is a 30-year resident of Mayflower. They are pictured above. (Art is the good-looking one!)

Steve shared with the Kiwanians the Mayflower vision of quality services for independent living seniors coupled with rehab and long-term healthcare. In addition, Mayflower chooses to be an economic engine to help drive growth and stability in the Grinnell area.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director