State Streeters Step-Out

State Street Gang Progressive Dinner invite
State Street Gang progressive dinner invitation
birthday cake at State Street Gang progressive dinner
Nancy Reinecke 80th birthday cake produced by extreme baker, Joyce Wubbels

One of our Mayflower Community neighborhoods of independent living residents calls itself the “State Street Gang.” This is comprised of the 32 residents who live in the 19 Harwich Terrace patio homes near Grinnell’s State Street south and east of our Health Center. “Harwich Terrace” because the Mayflower ship sailed to America from the port of Harwich, England and the first homes on Park Street were built on sloped land. “Patio Homes” because all of these contiguous and free-standing homes have shared, highly sound-proofed walls but are not duplexes, as they have all been custom-built to a high standard of construction. Therefore, “patio,” as their residents can step outside into or onto their own space without using the front door.

This self-named gang of folks living in the State Street area has, for years, viewed themselves a community within a community. They have shared progressive dinners, social events, outdoor croquet, and holiday celebrations. Recently, they decided it was time for a progressive dinner. The event included an “open containers” feature on the patio of Sig and Judi Barber and several courses at various homes, topped off with a Nancy Reinecke 80th birthday cake produced by extreme baker, Joyce Wubbels. “Open containers?” Fortunately, all can WALK home!

Oh, what fun at Mayflower!

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director