Sharing Hanukkah at Mayflower

With Hanukkah being observed from Sunday, December 18th through Monday, December 26th, The Mayflower Community honored this high Jewish festival with two events on Friday, December 16th. Hanukkah reaffirms the ideals of Judaism and commemorates, in particular, the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by the lighting of candles on each day of the festival.

Our Zoom guest was Adam Hinden from Virginia, a friend of Mayflower Community Life and Wellness Coordinator, Cecelia Bagnoli. He shared the traditions his family celebrates during Hanukkah, including the lighting of the menorah, special foods, and the games they play. Adam answered residents’ questions while bagels, cream cheese, and gelt (chocolate coins) were served.

In Beebe Assisted Living, residents talked with him for an hour. Then, Health Center residents enjoyed asking him questions and hearing his stories.

In addition, Health Center residents, Phyllis and Rudi Munitz, shared their Jewish family Hanukkah traditions, experiences, and symbols. Rudi displayed his grandfather’s menorah and some symbols of the Jewish faith. Residents enjoyed listening and learning about the Jewish traditions. This was followed with a Hanukkah trivia game and music from the “Fiddler on the Roof” soundtrack. The party lasted for more than an hour and a half. It was well-attended and lots of fun.

— Leslie Jaworski, Community Life and Wellness Director