Sharing Greetings with South Africa

Recently, a long-time friend of Mayflower resident, Jeanette Tisdale, Dudu Mbangi of South Africa, contacted Mayflower’s social worker, Rhonda Hudson, to inquire about getting in touch with Jeanette. Dudu and Jeanette had not visited in decades.

Taking into account the seven-hour difference in time zones, Rhonda made arrangements for a Zoom (virtual) call. Leslie Jaworski, Mayflower’s Community Life Director, described the connection: “The years seemed to melt away. Jeanette immediately recognized her dear friend and they enjoyed wonderful conversation while being face-to-face on the computer screen.”

“It was nighttime in South Africa and before they wrapped up their 40-minute Zoom call, Jeanette was able to virtually meet Dudu’s husband and children. After they hung up, Jeanette had the biggest smile on her face and said, ‘I wonder how many other people had a call from South Africa today?’ Jeanette was glowing.”

The Mayflower staff emailed some photos of the exchange to Dudu, who shared in return, “I am glad that she enjoyed the interaction and was happy afterwards. She is very special to my family and me. We treasure the contact we can have with her.”

For those of you who had Jeanette as a Grinnell Community Schools music teacher for yourselves or your children, you likely can understand the significance of this exchange. We plan to schedule another call between Jeanette and Dudu soon.

This is one account of the many Zoom calls that have been orchestrated between Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents and loved ones.

Making lemonade out of the pandemic!

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director