Poets in The Mayflower Community

The poets: Front row (left to right) – Gene Rohr, Pasha Buck, Sue Drake. Back row (left to right) – Lynn Cavanaugh and Warren Reinecke.

The Lyrical Iowa book
The book
Gene Rohr’s poem
Gene Rohr’s poem
















Five Grinnell poets have had their pieces chosen for publication in “Lyrical Iowa 2019.” This select anthology is published annually by The Iowa Poetry Association, an affiliate Society of The Academy of American Poets and the National Federation of State Poetry Societies, Inc (NFSPS).

1,835 poems were submitted in various categories for the 2019 publication. 381 were chosen. The contributions came from over 100 Iowa cities and 77 of Iowa’s 99 counties.

Gene Rohr was named 3rd Honorable Mention in the National & World Affairs category. Others who were published include Pasha Buck, Lynn Cavanagh, Sue Drake, and Warren Reinecke. All are residents of The Mayflower Community, except Cavanagh, who is a Mayflower member. All but Pasha have been involved in the Mayflower Poetry Club.

Their pieces are shown in the accompanying photographs.

The Iowa Poetry Association (IPA) is a non-profit organization whose sole objective is to promote interest in and appreciation for better poetry by Iowans. The IPA publishes a newsletter four times a year with a message from the president, news on members of the association, news about important NFSPS events, and information about upcoming contests.

Marilyn Baszczynski, Editor-in-Chief of “Lyrical Iowa 2019,” writes about the anthology, “There are poems that lament loss, replenish hope, give voice to what is not easily shared.”

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director