Mayflower Volunteers Are Appreciated

Mayflower Community Volunteer Appreciation
Mayflower Community Volunteer Appreciation

Annually, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) thanks the many volunteers who provide support to Mayflower residents. Other residents, Grinnell community members, and Grinnell College students help in many ways: Driving, reading, companionship, worship services, audio-visual support.

Of significant importance is the Grinnell College “Adopt-A-Grandparent” program, which pairs undergrad students with individual residents for a minimum of one hour a week of one-on-one time. This includes reading, conversation, projects, walks, and social events. About 20 students participated this year. The bonds they form with residents often become life-long, lasting during their undergraduate years and sometimes beyond. One student observed that her companionship with a resident helped fill the void of being so far away from her own grandmother.

Organized by Mayflower’s healthcare activities department, under the leadership of Chery Nelson, Activities Director, this year’s recognition event was held on Wednesday evening, May 9th. It included an indoor picnic supper and a program. Even though they are in the midst of finals, many of the Grinnell College students were able to attend.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director