Mayflower Thanks Grinnell College Students

This school year (2022-23) at Grinnell College resulted in many student volunteer hours to The Mayflower Community. THANK YOU!

Every Saturday during the month of April, a group of student volunteers students came to the Mayflower campus to lead various activities with independent living and healthcare residents. First, it was rock painting; then board games; more rock painting; and finally, May Day baskets.

Evelyn Dziekan ’24 helped organize the activities through the College’s Center for Careers, Life, and Services (CLS). This is a work study program designed to integrate the College into the surrounding community.

Dziekan said she was inspired to start the program at Mayflower by a discussion about talking to strangers in her Introduction to Sociology class with Lara Janson, PhD, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology. “I wanted to see something happen within Mayflower that would bring students in,” said Dziekan. So, she started the Saturdays with Students program.

Dziekan said she thought that a “major problem” around efforts to build bridges between the College and town communities are the perceptions that students may have of the locals, but the residents of the Mayflower create an environment that is welcoming to students.

“I think it’s always nice to have activities on the weekend,” said Kathy Herman, a Mayflower independent living resident. Herman and Dziekan both said that the Mayflower’s previous programming with students was interrupted by the onset of the COVID pandemic.

The Saturday events were part of an effort to bring back events for residents and gauge interest for a program that could continue into next school year. According to Dziekan, it has been successful.
“Every student who’s been here, they’ve all said they really liked it.”

“I’ve been thinking a lot about how I want to get out into the community more,” said volunteer Delaney Owens `25. “I figure, what’s the point of going to school in a small town with such a cool community if I don’t ever really get out there?” Owens said that she saw the event advertised in an email from the CLS and thought it would be a good chance to meet new people and do something fun. “I was right, it is fun!” she said.

Many residents said they are eager to get to know students from the College. “The programs with college students are always very popular,” said Herman. “We always like to see young people.” Owens, who will be vacationing in Iceland in June, met a resident who used to teach there and who has since returned to travel. They got to talking about puffins, waterfalls and all the attractions Owens should be sure not to miss.

Dziekan said that it was initially a struggle to find her place at Mayflower, but that this program has given her direction. She considered the April events a chance to troubleshoot and prepare to continue programming at Mayflower this coming fall, including more variety. Dziekan has a carnival in mind and weekday events.

Among other Grinnell College student volunteers at Mayflower, Aubrie Torhorst stands out. The Wisconsin native has been amazing about hosting weekly “Art with Aubrie” for the past year and a half. Residents and Community Life and Wellness staff visited Aubrie’s art show in early May. She will be graduating later this month, but with the support of Tilly Woodward, MFA, we hope to connect with another art major for the coming school year. Tilly is the Curator of Academic and Community Outreach at the Grinnell College Museum of Art.

Leslie Jaworski, Community Life and Wellness Director
[Some of the material and all quotes were printed in the April 28, 2023 edition of Scarlet and Black, the Student News Site of Grinnell College]