Mayflower Summer Intern Describes China Trip

Jacob Staroska preps caramel glaze for cherries
Jacob Preps Caramel Glaze for Cherries

Recently, Elena Li, summer intern in The Mayflower Community, presented her experience in China to gatherings of residents in Beebe Assisted Living and in the Health Center. The event was hosted by Mayflower’s Community Life and Wellness staff.

Elena, a native of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, described facets of her high school career where she participated in cross country, soccer and choir. She had the opportunity to take a trip to China.

Elena is pictured wearing a traditional-style Chinese dress made by her mother’s aunt.

To enhance the experience, Jacob Staroska, Mayflower’s Foodservices Supervisor, prepared a number of special Chinese treats for residents, including steamed pork buns.

In the accompanying photos, Jacob is shown preparing a caramel glaze for cherries to simulate a popular Beijing street food. He was unable to purchase hawthorn berries, which are used in China, so he used ground cherries that he grew at his home. Jacob then dipped the cherries in the caramel glaze. Elena enjoys this snack because, “It is sweet on the outside and a little sour inside.”

Just one more “taste” of the rest of the world for Mayflower residents.

– Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director