Mayflower’ Beebe Book Club Does Another Book…and Dinner

On Thursday evening, June 2nd, the Beebe Book Club social dinner was held in The Mayflower Community’s J&B Bistro. The Book Club is a function of Mayflower’s Beebe Assisted Living and includes all residents who wish to participate. It was founded in 2021.

In April, the group began reading and sharing, “When Harry Met Minnie,” a true story of love and friendship among dog owners, written by CBS correspondent Martha Teichner. Because this book was set in New York City, Mayflower’s Foodservices Supervisor, Jacob Staroska, put together an NYC menu of New York Style pizza, New York sour cocktails, and dessert cheesecake.

The meal was attended by Laird Keever; Alice Breemer; Betty Anne Francis; Joan Mohan; Brittany Hinkle, Mayflower’s Director of Assisted Living and Home Services; and me. All Beebe residents were invited, but some were not able to attend.

Residents gather periodically to listen to the book on audiobook. Others read it or have it read to them. The Club was founded last fall when they read the inaugural book, “Dinner with Edward.”

— Jessica Hasenyager, Community Life and Wellness Coordinator