Mahjong at Mayflower

The regular American Mahjong players welcomed a visitor in The Mayflower Community on Monday, August 19th. The two tables of players who play weekly in the Buckley building third floor lounge had a visitor, Gladys Beauboeuff of Miami Florida. She is the mother of Tamara Beauboeuff, the new tenured professor and Louise R. Noun Chair of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies at Grinnell College.

Tamara is making the move from DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. Gladys was in town for a few days while Tamara was getting settled. Gladys is an ardent devotee of the traditional oriental board game of skill and luck that uses tiles and die. Her play goes back to her days living in New York.

As usual, the hospitality at Mayflower was enthusiastic. Pictured with Gladys (white jacket) are from her left Nancy Reinecke, Effie Hall, and Joan Baker.

– Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director