Lucky Cat Coffee Pick-Up for Mayflower

When Shelley Meier Henne of Longmont, Colorado had a recent phone conversation with Kellie McGriff NHA, BS, the Associate Director/Administrator of The Mayflower Community, she talked about a third Grinnell High School classmate, Sam Cox. Sam is the owner of Grinnell’s eclectic coffee shop, Saint’s Rest. With the shop currently closed, Sam is serving specialty coffees at her Lucky Cat drive-through on the northwest corner of fifth and west streets in Grinnell.

Shelley, feeling fortunate that she is currently able to work from home in Colorado, decided to give Sam some business and to honor the work that frontline healthcare staff at Mayflower are doing. Therefore, last Tuesday morning, Shelley ordered a variety of coffees to be delivered to Mayflower’s Health Center.

In the photo, Kellie is flanked by Sam and Barrett Edwards, who helped deliver the coffees. They also brought Monster and chocolate chip cookies. (Our shared employee, Temesha Derby, who works two mornings a week as a barista, was not involved in making the coffees.)

– Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director