Jerry Beauchamp and Mert Evans Perform at Mayflower

Jerry Beauchamp has performed with the Jerry Beauchamp Band since 1980. Jerry and Mert Evans are both from Eldora. They started performing together at retirement communities and other locations in September 2012, almost 10 years ago. Jerry played accordion and Mert sang. About five years ago, she began playing the accordion, along with Jerry. The Jerry Beauchamp Band has played the Malcom Legion and Grinnell Eagles in Grinnell, as well as other venues in Belle Plaine, Newton, and other east central Iowa locations.

Mayflower’s Community Life and Wellness department hosted Jerry and Mert recently for a performance in the Carman Center of Grinnell’s Mayflower Community. Their repertoire included a song that is special to many residents. It was the signature song of Leo Greco, a radio personality with WMT in Cedar Rapids.

Tracy Woolfolk, Community Life and Wellness Coordinator, asked her mother about the song and Leo. She knew them both! A former Mayflower resident, Lester Thompson always requested this song when listening to Jerry, the only music program he would attend.

— Mayflower Community Life and Wellness Department