How to Survive Winter in Grinnell

The Pearson Circle after snow-clearing…before sun-up!
The Pearson Circle after snow-clearing…before sun-up!
The weather outside is frightful, but the temperature inside is comfortable…in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA). With five apartment buildings, an assisted living building, and the Health Center all connected via tunnels, breezeways, and skywalks, there is no battling the elements here. In fact, there is no impending “cabin fever.”

Inside, without coats, our residents can walk almost a mile without backtracking, workout in the Obermiller Center, go to movies and programs, and eat a variety of meals in the Buckley Dining Room. Short-term grocery supplies are available from the Buckley kitchen. “Hunkering down” at Mayflower doesn’t mean wrapping up in a blanket and shivering in front of the T.V.

Getting out? Our Lester the Bus shuttle takes riders to three grocery stores and Walmart on Wednesdays, to Senior Education on Mondays, and to the Bucket Courses on Wednesdays.

So, one of the answers to the question, “Why move to Mayflower?” is “No more snow and grass.” We do that for our residents. Think about it!

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director