Grinnell College Students Study Spirituality at Mayflower

Leo Ewing, a grinnell college student explains finding of spirituality study
Leo Ewing, a grinnell college student explains finding of spirituality study
Two Grinnell College students conducted focus groups of residents on the Mayflower Community campus to explore residents’ spirituality needs. This is a follow-up project to a wellness study performed during the spring semester 2019, both studies for the Advanced Anthropology class taught by Professor Monty Roper.

The goal of the recent study was to dig into one of the initial study’s findings that senior citizens are desirous of exploring their spirituality in the later stages of life. The students conducted five focus groups of independent living and healthcare residents. In total, they interviewed 29 Mayflower residents. In addition, the students conducted informal interviews of staff members.

The results of this most recent survey were discussed in a drop-by poster presentation on the College campus on Wednesday, December 18th. In addition, the students will be delivering a final copy of the report to Steve Langerud, Mayflower’s Executive Director.

The students discovered that the primary need for spirituality support was for assistance in dealing with a loss. A secondary need was for worship services on Sunday mornings when it is not possible to get to one’s place of worship. (Currently, The Mayflower Community provides a non-denominational “Tuesday morning chapel service” organized by the Mayflower Residents Association and presented by local spiritual leaders. This service was overwhelmingly praised by focus group members.)

An interesting finding in the conversations with employees was that about 80% have used the services of the Mayflower chaplain.

The students were Ruby Romero, a third-year student from Los Angeles, and Leo Ewing, a senior from Columbia, Missouri. They displayed the survey methodology and findings at the College on the large poster pictured. That poster is now hanging on the information board beside the Pearson building receptionist desk.

To learn more about the Grinnell College Anthropology Department:

To learn about the Wilson Center for Innovation and Leadership, Monty Roper, PhD, Director:

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director