Grinnell College Food House Shares Hospitality at Mayflower

Mayflower Community residents enjoy food prepared by Grinnell College's Food House and Multicultural HouseOn Saturday, November 16th, six residents of Grinnell College’s Food House prepared a meal in the MultiCulture House and in their Food House. The students then delivered and served the free buffet dinner to a group of 25 Mayflower Community residents, after which the students joined the Mayflower folk to eat and talk.

The evening’s menu consisted of a baby spinach salad appetizer, two entrees–Nepali-style Potato and Chicken Curry—sides of peas and rice pilaf followed by Ghirardelli brownies for desert.

The College group was led by Nick Hanson, Residence Life Coordinator, and included Natasha Aguilar, Oceanside CA; Priyanka Dangol and Prajita Niraula, Kathmandu, Nepal; Hallela Hinton-Williams, St. Joseph MN; Caleb Ritter, MN; and Mercedes Varela, Las Vegas NV. The photo of the four students includes, left to right, Priyanka Dangol, Prajita Niraula, Hallela Hinton-Williams, and Mercedes Varela.

The Food House is part of the Class Ambassador program, which aims to generate affinity during the class year among the community, students, and the College. Students’ duties include planning three or more programs per semester aimed at generating affinity, building connections between peers, creating new traditions, and educating peers about the four components of philanthropy: time, talent, ties, and treasure.

Class ambassadors are selected through an open application process facilitated by the three sponsors of the program—Student Government Association, Student Alumni Council, and Office of Development and Alumni Relations. Individuals serve a one-year term and may reapply for additional terms if they so choose.

Food House is one of four College-owned theme project houses on campus. A project house consists of students with a common interest and a desire to promote that interest to the campus community. Groups interested in a house must present a project proposal to the Residence Life Committee for consideration. Based at 1008 Park Street, Food House is committed to uniting Grinnellians through food. The eight resident have an annual budget for the food events.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director