Good Deeds Could Lead to Less Physical Pain

In the December 31, 2019 CNN weekly health newsletter, “The Results are In,” Dr. Sanjay Gupta excerpted a recent study that concluded, “Science has shown that altruistic behaviors actually improve our health.” He defined these behaviors as “…putting the well-being of others before our own without expecting anything in return.”

For example, “Volunteering has been shown to minimize stress and improve depression. It can reduce the risk for cognitive impairment. It can even help us live longer.”

Gupta goes on to write, “A 2017 study found chronic pain sufferers who volunteered reported decreased pain along with an improved sense of purpose.”

“A new series of studies,” Gupta says, “may have found one reason why: Regions of the brain that react to painful stimulation appear to be instantly deactivated by the experience of giving.”

One more new year’s resolution: Do some good for someone else?

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director