Get Into “Matter of Balance” at Mayflower

Do you have concerns about falling? Many older adults experience falls and other restrictions on their activities. “A Matter of Balance” is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels.

Enjoy learning practical fall prevention techniques and simple exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. During the eight-week structured group intervention course, participants will view falls and fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors, and practice exercise to increase strength and balance.

Certified trainers, Anne Sunday and Kaylee Thompson, will be offering this course on Fridays, September 20th through November 8th, from 9:00 to 11:00am, in Mayflower’s Montgomery Lounge (southeast corner of 2nd and Broad).

This course has been successfully delivered on nine different occasions at Mayflower. The course is open to the public. Feel free to invite friends and neighbors. The cost is $20 for the workbook. Refreshments are provided. Class size is limited to 12-14. Registration deadline is Monday, September 9th.

For more information or questions, contact Anne Sunday (Mayflower Independent Living Activities Coordinator) or Kayley Thompson (UnityPoint Health—Grinnell Fitness Specialist).

Email Anne Sunday   Cell Phone: 319-290-9171.
Email Kaylee Thompson  Cell Phone: 641-510-0004

– Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director