City of Grinnell Solid Waste Pick-Up

Curbside pick-up in Grinnell is a’changing. Here is information from the City’s website: “All residents and businesses outside of the Central Business District are receiving rolling solid waste carts this week. Delivery should be complete by the end of the day on April 18th. Collection with the new truck and carts will start the week of April 22nd.

Carts should be placed within four feet of the curb with the bar facing the street on your regular collection day. In order for the automatic arm to safely pick up the cart, the cart should have a six-foot clearance on all sides from vehicles, mailboxes, other carts, and any other items.

Though city staff recommends waste be in a bag or bags, using yellow bags or bags with stickers is not required in the cart. Extra bags or other waste items beside the cart will not be picked up. If a customer has too much waste to fit in the cart with the lid closed, they will need to save it for the following week or put it in a yellow bag or bag with a sticker and deposit it in the appropriate dumpster at the public service building (1411 1st Avenue). Bags and stickers will continue to be for sale until the supply of bags is exhausted and then only stickers will be for sale. The price for bags and stickers are $1.30 each plus tax.
Curbside pick-up of recyclables in red bins will continue for a few weeks after implementation of the cart system.

Residences and businesses in the Central Business District with curbside pick-up will continue to have pick-up of yellow bags or bags with yellow stickers. Pick-up of recyclables in red bins will be discontinued at the same time as it is discontinued in the rest of the city.

New rates for solid waste pick-up and the recycling center will be considered by the City Council at their May 6th meeting. If approved, they will go into effect on May 10th. The city bills in arrears, which means the new charges will not appear on customers’ bills until the bills that are due July 15th.”

In the Mayflower Community, discussions will be in process with the Green Team (Mayflower Residents Association standing committee). Information will be forthcoming.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director