Changing Face of Worship at Mayflower

Beginning in January 2023, Grinnell’s Mayflower Community will change the way it offers worship services to residents and guests. For many years, somewhat curtailed during the pandemic, Chapel services have been offered every Tuesday morning. Led by local clergy or other persons of faith, the 30-minute service included a message, songs, and meditation or prayer.

As of the end of December, that methodology will change. The second to last service on December 13th was led by retired pastor and former Mayflower chaplain, Len Eberhart. The message was the presentation by the musical trio of pianist Joyce Wubbels, violinist Diane Eberhart, and guitarist and vocalist, Gene Wubbels. The Wubbels are Mayflower residents. All four participants are pictured.

Beginning the first week of January, Mayflower will offer Weekly Devotions on Tuesday mornings let by resident, Rev. Bonnie Lipton. This will be a devotional time of quiet reflection and focus on God. The gathering will be from 11:00 to 11:40am in the Mayflower Carman Center. Bonnie shares that, “There will be no homework!”

On Thursday, January 5th, resident, Rev. Anne Sunday, will lead the first Bible study. Meeting from 11:00 to 11:40am on Thursdays in the Mayflower Buckley Dining Anchor Room, the group will be an informal discussion and time of contemplation about various Bible passages following the “New Common Lectionary.” Always, the objective will be to answer the question, “How does this passage connect to my life?”

Founded in 1950 as a ministry of the Congregational Church (now the United Church of Christ), The Mayflower Community was initially established to provide “home” for retired clergy who could not afford their own housing when having to vacate parsonages. Times have changed, but the mission is the same: To provide a vibrant, purposeful, and compassionate community of older adults.” Still affiliated with the United Church of Christ, The Mayflower Community is an ecumenical community where all faith values are honored.

— Bob Mann, Mayflower Sales & Marketing Director