Building Bridges at Mayflower

The finished south bridge
The finished south bridge
The finished north bridge
The finished north bridge

The Courtyard in The Mayflower Community on the west patio of the Buckley building is beautiful. Annually (who knows this year), the Grinnell Area Garden Club tours the outside arboretum to marvel at its variety of vegetation and pristine grooming.

The Courtyard has been the site for numerous senior pictures—Grinnell High School as well as Grinnell College. In addition, it has hosted weddings, birthdays, celebrations, and various family events.

Mayflower’s landscaping and grounds crew, headed by Supervisor Ben Pearce, found it necessary to rebuild the two 18-year old wooden bridges that ford the streams running between two koi fishponds.

The building planks were sourced from local contractor, Charlie Criswell. They are 4” thick, 12” wide, and 10’ long.

In addition, the crew, which included Curt Vos, Les Hall, and Nick Mommer, also sanded down all the existing handrails in the Courtyard.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director