A Little Fresh Air and Entertainment at Mayflower

Rhonda Hudson, LBSW holding signs - "choose kindness and laugh often" and "remenber social distancing and drink plenty of fluids"
Rhonda Hudson, LBSW – 19 years at Mayflower
Casie Vande Stouwe, LPN holding sign saying "stay home and stay health, we'll see you soon!"
Casie Vande Stouwe, LPN – 15 years at Mayflower

As we practice social distancing in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA), residents and staff have found new ways to share their gifts.

Jean Libbey, Mayflower Harwich Terrace resident, performs a cello recital in her driveway for other residents. Beautiful day and beautiful music.

Meanwhile, Mayflower Health Center staff members share greetings and recommendations for coping with this time of limited interaction and health challenges.

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director